MOPED – Models for Pedagogical Needs Analysis and Support of Learning Processes

Overview | Partners | Background | Activities | Results | Press release

Overview top

The presented project can be divided into 3 main aims.

The first one is to sort, check and develop materials and helping tools for pedagogical diagnostics and their implementation in classes to encourage the individual and group learning process. The results will be rated.

The second aim of the project is to develop modules for students participating in the second qualification and higher educational degree. Apart from the practical orientation they will contain and a theoretical part and they will take into consideration the different cultural specifications of the partner countries. The modules are aimed to a systematic diagnosis and encouraging the achievements of students. In this case the diagnosis is a pedagogical tool for analysis and support of the learning process by paying attention to the cognitive, as well as the psychological aspects.

The third aim of the project is to support the participants by providing helping tools which they can use to analyze and aid the learning process of students individually and in a group.


Partners top



Background top

Programme for International Student Assessment has showed that a lot of the Member States do not apply pedagogical diagnostics consistently and practically in schools and in classes. What is more the countries apply different models. Often the most important is the assessment of achievements. Rarely there are evaluations of the classes. Except for the national level (“aide individualisée” in France ) not much importance is attached to the diagnosis aiming individual support of students.

At the moment we are facing one rather unclear profile of the teacher as a pedagogical diagnostician. The aim of this project is to fill in this gap.

The pedagogical diagnosis training is partly developed and it has to be further improved. In some countries of the partner institutions of this project we can see only the beginning. Some German universities and institutions that train teachers have already experience in this area ( Nordrhein-Westfalen, Rheinland-Pfalz , for example) . This experience has been applied as a basis for team work.

Unsufficient remains the attemts in the second qualification degree to act on three levels: diagnosis of the learning process, diagnosis of achievements and diagnosis of encouragement that shows practical efficiency. That is why the project partners go for extending the national way of thinking concerning the pedagogical diagnosis (to understand and accept cultural conditioned differences) and to share among each other the model of “best practice”.


Activities top

1. Needs analysis of present-day educational system in the partner countries

2. Study cases – concrete exapmles demonstrated by the participants in tne project


Results top


Press releases top