Healthy of young athletes main goal of sport training and competitions - FITFORHEALTH


Overview | Partners | Target groups |Background | Activities | Results | Press Release | Duration

Overview top

Protecting athletes, especially the youngest, from health and safety hazards by improving training and competition is the primary aim of this project, whilst the project’s main output will be the development of “golden rules” for safety standards for individual athletes and the realisation of a guidance document covering risk analysis, management, prevention and protection.

Assuming the WHO definition of health being: “… a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity” we believe that “athletes protection” can be also referred to the safeguarding of athletes' moral and educational development and professional interests. The second main project action is to start an EU-level social dialogue for the whole sport and leisure sector, with the aim of enhancing the quality of sports training centres and their staff, and educating them about specific risks concerning the relationship between drop out from sports and levels of public health. This holistic and integrated approach will cover

This latter action takes on the open challenge connected with sport's health-enhancing, social and educational functions the “unadapted systems to combine sport and education

Partners top

Project Promoter

CONI Comitato Regionale MARCHE (Italy)

Project Partners


European Healthy Stadia Network CIC (United Kingdom)>



Grad Vrgorac (Croatia)

Karier Oy (Finland)

Fera ry (Finland)

DIA-SPORT Association (BG)

N&A Ltd. (Bulgaria)<

Target groups top

• Young athletes (14-19 years old)

Background top

This project is concerned with healthy sport promotion among young athletes within the context of the World Health Organisation definition: “Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity”.

The general objective of the project is to contribute to the creation of Healthy-sports Improving Prevention and Protection especially in Young athletes (hereinafter HIPPY) avoiding side -effects of sport practice as injuries and overtraining

The full success of the project will consist in the achievement of the objectives presented hereafter. Appropriate Milestones are set to verify in an objective and measurable way the achievement of each.

Objective 1

To contribute to make light on training and competition conditions of young athletes (14-19 years old) in terms of health condition, injury prevention, safety and security in different areas and 5 sport disciplines through a field survey.

Objective 2

To set out and to exchange education/training initiatives for risk assessment and injury prevention/protection related to sport activities for young athletes concerning some basic tasks for safety trainings and competitions and others specific risks with an high impact on drop out from sports and public health;

A. Tailored physical preparation;

B. Coaching (mental wellbeing);

C. Nutrition, lifestyles and doping

Objective 3

To engage local stakeholders in a user needs analysis (field survey and SWOT analysis) through the planning, and implementation of five different sport young athletes tournaments organised in each country (8 teams minimum).

Objective 4

To improve local stakeholders awareness on project issues inviting them to initiatives towards the promotion of physical and moral integrity among young athletes by means of the planning and implementing five thematic workshops (one in each country of partnership) assuming that training is first step of prevention.

Objective 5

To give a contribute for the healthy sport providing “golden rules” for safety standards for individual athletes valid for all sports disciplines and the realisation of a guidance document covering risk analysis, management, prevention and protection of 5 disciplines (volleyball, cricket, Finnish pesäpallo, athletic and basketball).

Activities top

Results top

Press Release top

Duration top

01. January 2014 – 30.June 2015