EU-RIPIDES “EU-Research Initiative to Promote,
Improve and Develop European Schoolnets”

Overview | Partners | Background | Activities | Results | Press release | Duration

Overview top

The project “Improvement of national SchoolNets in Europe ” plans to make an European survey/analysis of on ICT based regional and national SchoolNets. It targets especially to the educational EU-objectives of Lisbon of the year 2000, whereas it will be researched if the objectives and plans have been achieved or accordingly are initiated.

The first project phase will be needed only for to do research and make surveys in the thematic field.

For the second project phase the project plans to organize a conference in Austria and Slovenia, where we have to present and show analysis of the outputs and results of the first project phase. At this stage we have to collect all information and we should know exact the standard how the different web-based, interactive SchoolNets are working. After conference the main task is to publish a brochure with all information of the project (Overall view, comparative analysis, results and outputs of the conference). All outputs and products will be published at a project website -


Partners top


Background top

The project aims at the research of the level of the schoolnets in the partner countries,
and the possibilities for their improvement and enlargement.

Activities top

· First project meeting
3-6 June 2005 Poland
For more details please click here

· Second project meeting
21-24 October 2005 – Austria
For more details please click here

Results top

Press releases top

Duration top

2005 - 2006