Baski - Basic Skills Training Model
The aim of the presented project is in a transnational cooperation , to develop, test and disseminate a Basic Skills Training Model for people with learning or multiple disabilities who are cared for in social institutions (sheltered workshops, assisted living). This BS Training Model shall put disabled individuals with a high need for assistance in a position to strengthen their ability to act and therefore have an active influence on the organisation of their life and surroundings. The BS Training Model is solely designed for groups and shall stimulate a process of development that will be guided by specially trained external counsellors. In a transnational cooperation specially developed and tested methodical and didactic material shall particularly support severely disabled people in their expression of will and needs.
Adults without disabilities have the natural ability of self-determination; they are able to articulate needs and wishes in private and professional life; they can determine and follow personal goals according to their particular situation; and, are able to obtain help and support when necessary. In people with learning or multiple disabilities this important personal ability is often lacking; or, due to their motor, cognitive, sensory, and emotional difficulties it is much more difficult to develop. More heteronomy than self-determination is especially experienced by institutionalised disabled individuals. They have to conform to given norms and structures and have to live and work with a high level of dependence. The right for a self-determined life and more autonomy for people with learning disabilities is demanded by inclusion-, rehabilitation- and normalisation processes in the work with disabled individuals. By means of the presented Basic Skills Training Model within the framework of the project particularly institutionalised and hospitalised individuals with learning disabilities shall be prepared for active participation in society by the acquisition of the basic competencies. They will learn as active, responsible people to take advantage of public services; such as for example, adult education courses.
The project's direct target group are individuals with mental or multiple disabilities (medium to high level of assistance) who are cared for in organisations in the disability sector (sheltered workshops, assisted living). Due to the fact that this target group includes many people with massive impairments in the cognitive, sensory, motor and emotional areas, their ability to act is severely limited and they experience a much higher level of heteronomy than self-determination in the living and working areas. Within the framework of the project basic skills are to be trained and the process of self-determination is to be professionally supported. A further direct target group of the project is professionals in psychosocial counseling. Within the framework of the project this target group shall gain an additional qualification whereby a special field of activity is to be developed – group coaching and the support of people with learning or multiple disabilities - and the coaching and support of personnel in institutions in the disability sector. Indirect users of the project are institutions in the disability sector that through the Basic Skills Training Model could invest in human resources and promote sustainability in the care.
Kick-off Meeting 21-23.10. 2005
Graz , Austria
Meeting in Budapest – 18-21 October 2006
Meeting in Athens of the participants in the pilot run – Austria, Bulgaria and Greece – 4-7 June 2007 – the pilot run includes testing of the developed by the partnership materials: Basic Skills Trainings Model ( includes a Curriculum for Basic Skills Training for people with mental or multiple disabilities in small groups, methodical/didactic material developed to support communication, learning and group processes ); two Curricula for a further education addressing professionals in psychosocial counselling - Train the Trainer and European Counsellor .
GALLERY (5 pictures)
BASKI_diplyan_A5_FINAL.pdf (219 KB)
The central result of the presented project is a valid and tested Basic Skills Training Model for people with learning or multiple disabilities. This will be available for dissemination on CD-ROM including a handbook in the national languages of the participating countries and in English. The Basic Skills Training Model includes the following sections:
A curriculum for the acquisition of basic skills in groups for people with learning or multiple disabilities : The curriculum shall be developed with the collaboration of disabled individuals (learner-centred) and contains the description and use of methodical didactic material for the acquisition of skills for social self-determination and more competence to act. This process will take place in small groups and will be accompanied by counsellors specially trained in the first principles of supervision.
The curriculum for the further training of personnel in psychosocial counselling : Personnel in psychosocial counselling, through the contents of the curriculum, shall be trained in the work in and with groups of people with learning and multiple disabilities and in the coaching of personnel working in institutions in the disability sector.
Methodical/didactic material: This material shall be developed to support communication, the learning and group processes with the inclusion of; on the one hand, eLearning techniques (multimedia technology) and; on the other hand, simple pictures and symbols. These materials will be conceived together with a representative group of disabled people, based on their needs and abilities (learner-centred).
A website with a user-friendly, simple (integrated) communication platform for the exchange of experiences and flow of information. Within the framework of the project a virtual consultation shall be installed.