STEP-INSER - Self-Training E-Pathway for European Training & Social-Professional INSERtion Professionals 

(Leonardo da Vinci – Transfer of Innovations Program)


Overview  Overview in Bulgarian language | | Partners | Background | Aims | Target Groups |   Activities | Results | Press release

Overview top


The Step-Inser international project is the continuous version of the already developed and finalized project Inserweb – an innovative platform of documentary resources which was developed during a previous EQUAL project (INSER.NET) at national level. Their coordinator is a French non-government organization (NGO) which is putting all its efforts for increasing and strengthening the European international integration. STEP-INSER project’s main goal is the further development and widening of the already created website during the previous project Inserweb. For the main idea of the ongoing project is the website’s improvement in all spheres, partners and coordinator’s main activity is concentrated on:

·          - Gathering varied and useful data for uploading on the website

·          - Translating resources on the fourth different languages in order to make STEP-INSER’s platform more colourless and used from all the partner’s native populations

·          - Involving teachers and trainers by making them acquainted about the existence of STEP-INSER project and also trying to make them engaged about its main idea

·          - Widening the amount of platform’s users and stimulating them to attract others in order to increase the project dissemination which main goal is proving its sustainability and effectiveness.

Last but not least, STEP-INSER project is a good opportunity for everyone who wants to learn useful information on different subjects. Its modules give you the opportunity to increase your knowledge in concrete spheres, touching person’s daily round. More concrete these modules can be described as follows:

·         Module 1 : The enhancing of the person

·         Module 2 : Vocational information

·         Module 3 : The process of integration

·         Module 4 : Tutoring

·         Module 5 : ICT in everyday life


Partners top

        - AFEC (France) – coordinator



·          - DIA-SPORT association (Bulgaria) –partner


·          - ENTENTE (England) – partner


·          - DESINCOOP (Portugal) – partner



·          - APTES  (Switzerland )– silent partner




Background top

The background of the project is the fact that in France there is no platform tailored to the needs of the persons in charge of socio-professional insertion according to the coordinator’s organization.

In respect of the other target countries (Portugal, Bulgaria, and England), trainers and socio-professional inclusion counselors do not have specific training appropriate to their profession. This and the mentioned above fact were and the main reasons for the French organization’s idea which now has already been implemented in reality.


Aims top

·            - To provide European professionals working in the field of social and professional insertion, a self-training tool that enables them to increase their skills.


·          - Organize their profession at a European level through the establishment of a common framework for the skills of "responsible for training and employability."


Target Groups top


·            - Directly - The trainer and social-professional counselor directly involved in this project

·          - Indirectly - the project will benefit people in extreme difficulty of insertion: long-term unemployed, unskilled youth, migrants, persons without training or with a low level of qualification and etc.



Activities top


·                     1st meeting –  29/30 January 2009 France


·         2nd meeting - 9/10 July 2009 Portugal


·         3rd meeting - 21/22 January 2010 Birmingham


     4th meeting - 25/26 May 2010 - Grandaux, Switzerland


     5th meeting - 16/17  September 2010 - Bulgaria /Sofia


Results top

ü       - European platform of information resources located in four languages with various media. This presents a comprehensive base of pedagogical informative resources used for training and integration.


ü       - E-learning module enriched by the diversity of the resource of the European platform


ü       - European virtual community allowing the exchange of best practices between professionals and their peers


    - Link to the project platform 





Press releases top

Gallery -project meetings (Paris, Guimaraes, Birmingham 2009 / 2010)



October 2008- September 2010